Surface Finishes
Popular texture fashions are shifting away from more rustic tumbled, rounded edges to clean lines, and square edges on tiles, pavers, and coping. In addition, tone-on-tone texturing can beautifully enhance the aesthetic of your flooring design. Adding an interesting trim or pattern through the addition or utilization of various surface finishes can achieve the added interest desired in a simplistic and subtle manner. Finishes such as Micro Bush Hammer, Suregrip Moleskin, Hand-Chiseled, and Etruscan Texture add soft and delicate interest without changing the material itself. Common finishes such as honed, polished, split face, brushed and tumbled are available as well and achieve a more traditional aesthetic.

Split Face
A process where the face of the stone is sheared off by the great force of chisels from around the edges. Pictured SEAHAZE SAND Limestone split face wall for interior or exterior wall projects.

Castle Wall
A process where the face of the stone is hand-chiseled on the entire surface. Pictured SEAHAZE SAND Limestone for interior or exterior wall projects.

Saw Cut
Cut smoothly with diamond blades yet unpolished. The sawed finish is available for driveways and other implementations when a very rustic look and high co-efficient of friction is desired. Pictured SEAHAZE MIX Limestone 4″x4″ saw-cut surface finish.

Cobbled Edge Micro Cladding
A small format saw-cut finish with hand-cobbled edges. Pictured SEAHAZE SAND Limestone Cobbled Edge Micro cladding wall veneer.

Grid Line Grooves
Rows of ¼” groove traversing the stone for drainage purposes in addition to slip resistance and aesthetics. Pictured SEAHAZE SEA (blue-grey selection) drainage (slotted) pavers are particularly desirable to ameliorate water puddling, especially around wet areas such as pools and fountains.

Heavy Sandblasting
Sometimes known as abrasive blasting, is the operation of forcibly propelling a stream of abrasive material against a surface under high pressure to roughen a smooth surface. Pictured are Grey or Beige Terrazzo circle patterns with polished border and with heavy sandblasted center.

Light Sandblasting
Sometimes known as abrasive blasting, is the operation of forcibly propelling a stream of abrasive material against a surface under high pressure to roughen a smooth surface. Pictured are grey or beige Terrazzo pavers with lightly sandblasted images/patterns decorating the surface.